Overcoming the boundary of limited visual skills in sports presents a huge potential for elevating technical skills, creativity and playmaking.
“At Overbound we create best in class tools and methods, and use them to coach athletes to maximize their visual ability, so they can reach their highest potential. Be it in sports or life.”
— Irena Castle, founder
Athletes, from very young to professional, spend hours and hours perfecting their playing techniques, running, dribbling, passing, you name it. Yet there are skills that, while not in the forefront of any training manual, make a difference between good and great, between a game lost and a victory. They are the skills of perfect vision, the enabler of seeing the whole field, seeing the movement, tracking the ball, analyzing the speed, seeing openings and scoring.
First and foremost, excellent eyesight means you see your world better. That allows you to perform any task better, faster, and more accurately. Your daily sports practice is no exception. The better you see the more precise your movements can be, and the more effective your sports practice becomes.
Needless to say, knowing where everything and everyone is at any time is key in creating an on-the-fly strategy and choosing your next move. The size of your active vision field significantly influences your ability to detect a change in the game and to react appropriately. The broader you see, the less is left to guessing and estimation.
“My coach trains me to look over my shoulder,” you say. Well, that is a plausible habit to have. And yet, no matter how much you look, you cannot see beyond the limits of your active field of view.
Vision field expansion and consequently field awareness is trained through a series of drills that focus on activation of the full visual system and the development of peripheral vision.
There is no eye-body coordination without the engagement of the visual system. However, its practice is often very lopsided. While the body is trained, the “eye” part is considered to be a constant. Train both - the body and the eyes - to create a strong neural pathway system that automatically generates the desired reaction to any detected situation.
3D vision and dynamic acuity proficiency is the main factor in correctly locating an object on the field and efficiently tracking it as it moves through space. It influences your ability to receive and return a ball, locate a pass opening, to judge whether or not your teammate can reach the ball before the opponent does.
“Players’ vision is what dictates the play.”
— Jacob Kirby, program director & coach, Westerville United, Ohio
Nearly every coach, regardless of competition level or sport, claims that it is essential for an athlete to be aware of their surroundings, to constantly monitor the situation on the playing field, to see the whole game, to react fast and with precision.
By training your eyes, you will BECOME MORE VALUABLE TO YOUR COACHES. The skills will allow you to IMPROVE YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO YOUR TEAM’S PERFORMANCE, and you will GAIN ADVANTAGE OVER OTHER PLAYERS when the time comes for advancement.
Perhaps due to low awareness or low accessibility, eyesight development is mostly reserved for elite programs. It can take years of play time before an athlete is exposed to vision skills.
With visual proficiency having a significantly positive impact on a player’s performance, confidence and overall development, Overbound thrives to introduce eyesight practice to athletes as early as possible, helping players from U9 club to collegiate and beyond. Our system fits players of any sport and any playing level develop faster and succeed more often.
Our methods leverage a highly unique vision obstruction training tool, PERFORMANCE EYESIGHT TRAINER, which allows a focused development of each individual skill without a distraction of unwanted visual inputs.
Additionally, respecting the time constraint on the practice field, Overbound training regimens are designed to develop sports vision skills in the context of the most common training sessions and their warm-up routines, making it easy to be incorporated into existing practice sessions.
To maximize visual learning, Overbound uses PERFORMANCE EYESIGHT TRAINER, a visual learning system that leverages selective vision obstruction. By eliminating various parts of the vision field, the trainer directs stimuli to the unobstructed area of the eye and thus promotes development of a deeper connection between that part of the eye and the brain, between what is being seen and how it is being interpreted. The moment you put the trainer on, your visual receptors awaken!
The Eyesight Trainer is put in use through a series of training routines, each designed to focus on a specific visual skill. All Overbound Regimens are:
SIMPLE (leveraging common warm-up routines and props),
FAST (requiring as little as 10 minutes per session), and
REAL (taking place on the playing field to guarantee a seamless translation of the new skills into game situations)
“ The training is very unique. It has made a huge difference in my spatial awareness and how I perceive the pace of the game.”
Jean-Luc Lapierre (QTSD Soccer Academy)
Performance is suited for eyesight development needed in any athletic or sports activity. Depending on your role within the team, some skills are more important than others, but the overall activation and proficiency of seeing the game helps every player and team equally.