1 pole or a different vertical object
no set up needed except for placing the pole on the field
Stand on a field/court. If you can, face a solid single color wall
Place one hand between your eyes (narrow profile), touching your nose and pointing straight forward
Look into the distance (at the wall) and keep your focus there throughout the drill
Notice seeing two hands with an empty space/corridor between them
Slowly turn side to side, staying constantly aware of the corridor and the two hands
As you progress
Slowly progress from a plain wall to busier environments, add walking
Practice time: 2-3 minutes
Practice Lenses: no lens neded
Use R and L as described in the Tips section if needed
This practice is easiest if performed against a solid background, such as a wall. If you have difficulty seeing the corridor, find a place with a quiet background to start. You may have to start off the field
If you have difficulty seeing the corridor even against a solid background, practice seeing the hand using mono shields R and L. Start with your Dominant Eye, then switch to the other eye. Notice that you can see the hand slightly to the side that is opposite to the single eye that is looking. Take a mental note of the hand being there before switching shields. Do not close one eye, then the other, as it eliminates all of that eye’s vision.
If you see one hand significantly stronger than the other, practice single eye seeing first as described above and focus on the eye that sees the ghostly hand. Again, take a mental note of the hand being there, imagine it being clear and present.
Stand in front of a vertical object (an agility pole, a post, a window divider if practicing indoors)
Hold your two index fingers up at your eye level, one arm fully extended, one arm bent at the elbow
Shift focus among the 3 objects (your two fingers and the vertical object of your choice) every 1-2 seconds for at least 30 seconds
Then slow down and notice the objects that are out of focus to appear double
Notice their relative position
As you progress
Switch focus faster, but always make sure you see the images as described, before shifting focus again
Practice time: 2-3 minutes. Look into the distance or close your eyes, should they become tired
Practice Lenses: no lenses needed
The doubling and the position of the objects will change with the change of your focus. Be aware of where you are looking.
If you have difficulty, close one eye at a time. Keeping focus on the same finger at all times, notice the location of the other finger and the vertical object, first with one eye then the other. Imagine seeing the two images together (you may close your eyes) before looking at the finger again
Slow down if needed, take your time to let your eyes focus on the selected spot, and become aware of the doubling of the two remaining objects that will be out of focus