Eyesight Trainer - shields #1, R, L
Training/juggling ball
Game ball
Wall or a bounce net
Some drills require a training partner
No set up needed
Very simple and highly effective dynamic acuity practice. The essence of this drill is to follow the ball with your eyes at all times, creating an opportunity for eye muscle stretch, smooth eye movement practice, and eye body coordination development.
Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart
Throw a training ball back and forth over your head
Follow the ball with your eyes at all times
Make sure your head follows your eyes in a synchronized manner
As you progress
Dare to add an extra ball?
Practice time: 1-2 minutes or longer if you are having fun
Practice Lenses: no lenses
If this is difficult, close your eyes, hold the ball in one hand as if you were about to throw it into the air, and imagine performing the drill perfectly, focusing on every detail of the movement. Then give it a shot again.
This is an excellent practice to use right before a game.
Every few sessions, track your progress by counting how many juggles you can make without dropping the ball.
The purpose of this drill is to develop excellent horizontal tracking skills. The execution shown here is leveraging a team setting, but you can alter the practice to only a player and a coach as described later
2 players stand at least 3 yards apart, passing a ball in a manner appropriate to their sport
soccer: pass the ball on the ground
basketball: bounce the ball over to the other player
football/rugby/volleyball: throw the ball
tennis: exchange the ball using tennis rackets or simply bounce the ball with your handsPlayer(s) practicing the skill stand to the side at a 90° angle, tracking the ball with their eyes
Keep your gaze on the ball at all times, do not skip ahead. Make sure your head follows your eyes
Practice with each eye separate, then both eyes together
Remember to breathe and blink!
Practice time: 1-2 minutes each eye separate, then 1-2 minutes both eyes together
This video shows the drill in a team setting. Adjust it based on your sport and needs
Practice Lenses: R and L (Dominant Eye first)
The players passing the ball can engage themselves in the “ACTIVE TRAIN” drill with or without wearing their Eyesight Trainer
Practice with a coach only:
To practice this drill, you will need another player or a coach to help and you will need a wall. Instead of two players passing the ball, ask your coach to bounce the ball against a wall and retrieve it. Find an alternative ground surface if needed
The purpose of this drill is to develop ball tracking skills (focus adjustment) at constantly changing forward distance. The execution shown here is leveraging a team setting, but you can alter the practice to only a player and a coach as described in the Tips. If you do not have a training partner, skip to the ACTIVE TRAIN drill
2 players stand at least 3 yards apart, passing a ball in a manner appropriate to their sport
soccer: pass the ball on the ground
basketball: bounce the ball over to the other player
football/rugby/volleyball: throw the ball
tennis: exchange the ball using tennis rackets or simply bounce the ball with your handsPlayer(s) practicing the skill stand next to the passing players, tracking the ball with their eyes
Keep your gaze on the ball at all times, do not skip ahead
Practice with each eye separate using the mono lenses of your Eyesight Trainer, then practice both eyes together
Remember to breathe and blink!
Practice time: 1-2 minutes each eye separate, then 1-2 minutes both eyes together
This video shows the drill in a team setting. Adjust it based on your sport and needs
Practice Lenses: R and L (Dominant Eye first)
The players passing the ball can engage themselves in the “ACTIVE TRAIN” drill with or without wearing their Eyesight Trainer
Practice with a coach only:
To practice this drill, you will need another player or a coach to help and you will need a wall. Instead of two players passing the ball, ask your coach to bounce the ball against a wall and retrieve it. Find an alternative ground surface if neededPractice under different angles of view.
Stand with your body turned away from the ball to one side, then the other side (anywhere between 10 and 90°). This changes the rotation of the eyes to simulate a real game situation where the player is not always facing the ball.
This drill brings a more advanced form of the PASSIVE TRAIN drill, as it includes eye-body coordination
Stand at least 3 yards apart from your training partner, pass a ball to each other in a manner appropriate to your sport
soccer: pass the ball on the ground
basketball: bounce the ball over
football/rugby/volleyball: throw the ball
tennis: exchange the ball with tennis rackets or simply bounce the ball with your handsAs you pass back and forth, track the ball with your eyes at all times
Do not skip ahead
Practice with each eye separate using the mono lenses of your Eyesight Trainer, then practice both eyes together
Remember to breathe and blink!
Practice time: 1-2 minutes each eye separate, then 1-2 minutes both eyes together
This video shows the drill without any eye obstruction. You will get great benefit from single eye practice leveraging the R and L shields of your Eyesight Trainer.
Practice Lenses: R and L (Dominant Eye first)
No lens for practice with both eyes together
Practice without a training partner:
Use a wall or a bounce net to return your ball. Find an alternative ground surface if needed