• Eyesight Trainer - shields #1, #2, #3

  • 8 or more agility poles with flags


  • Set up two rows of poles with flags, the longer the better

  • Allow about 3 yards between the rows of poles

  • Allow 3 or more yards between each two poles in one row

  • Poles in both rows may be perfectly aligned or they can be placed at random distance to lower predictability






  • Stand on the playing field, your arms stretched alongside your body

  • With your Trainer on, look forward into the dark lens, your head high

  • March forward pulling your knees high to your waist level while swinging your arms all the way up to your ears 

  • Notice the movement you see through the corners of your eyes (your far periphery) 

  • Also notice what you can see in your lower periphery (around your feet) and upper periphery (above your head)

  • Once you hit the end of your practice field, turn around and repeat

As you progress

  • Pick up your pace

Practice time: 1 minute

Practice lenses: #2 and #3


  • Use the poles set up to guide your movement/keep you aware of where you are. Practice with the poles in your far periphery to prevent major change of direction

For team practice

  • Ensure there is ample space between each two players. Players may drift away from their intended direction

  • Practice in waves, with a few seconds delay between each player’s start




  • With your Trainer on, stand between 2 rows of poles, look straight forward into the shield

  • Walk or jog forward, noticing the poles to your left and the poles to your right 

  • Call out each pole as soon as you see it in your periphery. Raise your hand instead of the voice signal if preferred

  • When you reach the end, turn around and repeat, calling out the poles as you see them.

As you progress

  • Increase the distance between the left and right rows of poles to expand your peripheral awareness

  • Change the poles placement from session to session, make the left and right rows uneven to eliminate predictability

Practice time: 2 minutes / at least 3 sets

Practice lenses: #2 and #3


  • Instead of turning around at the end, simply backpedal to the starting point




  • Pick a ball of your choice

  • Find a place on the playing field / practice court at a safe distance from other teammates, and free of ground imperfections (to prevent collision or fall)

  • With your Trainer on, look forward into the training shield, your head slightly down. DO NOT PEEK THROUGH THE SIDE OF THE LENS!

  • Move the ball in the manner usual for your sport (examples below):
    soccer: dribble the ball with your feet
    basketball: dribble the ball with your hands, bounce it around if desired
    tennis: bounce the ball off the ground and catch it with your hands

  • Walk or jog while moving the ball around

  • Be constantly aware of the ball through your lower periphery. Notice both, your surroundings and the ball (if applicable), through the corners of your eyes.  

As you progress

  • Pick up your pace

Practice time: 1-2 minutes

This GIF shows a player dribbling with a soccer ball while paying attention to the poles around him

Practice lenses: #1 or #2


  • Jog between the poles and notice their presence.

For team practice

  • Ensure there is ample space between each two players. Choose a direction all players should walk towards, avoid random walking. Have players practice on different sides of the poles set up

  • Practice in waves, with a few seconds delay between each player’s start