Adding a soccer ball into the drills simulates a real game environment. Drill difficulty is increased, as the athlete must constantly monitor multiple different elements in their visual field. This leads to an improvement in their cognitive function and an enforcement of a neural bond between the physical detection of the stimuli, its interpretation in the brain followed by an immediate reaction to the situation.

This section of the training also adds training partners or a team to the practice. It enables the practice of additional drills and (again) increases the quality of the simulated environment, bringing it closer to what it looks like during the game.

When practicing with additional players, check for safe distance often. Refrain from any direct physical contact with other players while wearing Performance Eyesight Trainer.




The athlete or their coach may decide to further this training by teaching additional reactions to certain situations. In this phase of the training both the athlete and the coach are encouraged to use their own creativity. They know best what outcome they desire based on a specific situation. For example: When the athlete passes a pole on their right, the coach may ask them to look over their shoulder. (Notice how much more of the field the athlete registers vs. what used to be possible before they started this Overbound Performance regimen). Foot skills, passing in a specific manner, looking at a specific object, shuffling or moving in a pattern, those are all examples of a reaction that may be trained as an outcome of a specific visual input. With the underwtanding of vision development principles and the experience of the many drills you have gone through so far, you can give yourself permission to experiment, to make up new drills that fit you.




Overbound regimens fit the majority of players. Most athletes will get their results with no further help. However, there are times when you may want or need more. What if your eyesight has much to be desired to begin with (i.e. you wear glasses or deal with other errors of refraction)? What if your sport requires a very specific visual skill that calls for a personalized approach? What if you are a coach and want to engage your whole team, or even the whole club? What then?

In addition to Performance regimens, Overbound offers personalized consultations and sessions that are designed specifically to address these situations. Connect with us to get the conversation started and get your (or your team’s) vision over its current boundary.