• Eyesight Trainer - shields #1, #2, L, and R

  • Soccer balls


  • No set-up needed, practice area may be defined by poles if desired






  • 3 players stand in a triangular formation, 3+ yards apart from each other, facing outwards, all wearing the same mono lens L or R

  • Make sure you can see the player who will be passing to you in your periphery, or that you can notice the ball as it is being passed to you

  • Pass a soccer ball in the direction from the unobstructed eye towards the obstructed eye of the next player

  • Use your periphery to notice the ball

  • When you receive the ball, turn in the direction to your naked eye and pass the ball to the next player

  • Return to your starting position

  • After several rounds switch shields and switch the passing direction

As you progress:

  • Practice with multiple balls at the same time

  • Increase the speed

Practice time: 5-10 rounds, or 2+ minutes in each direction

Practice Lenses: L, R

Tips and Watchouts:

  • Use the full vision in your unobstructed eye to place the ball precisely at the feet of the next player

  • End with passing with the naked eyes




  • 2 players stand 2-3 yards apart, player B a few yards back vs. player A

  • B dribble forward.

  • When A notices the ball, A calls for the ball. B passes the ball, runs a few more yards, then stops.

  • A receives the ball, then dribbles forward until B calls for the ball.

  • A passes the ball and continues forward for a few yards, then stops and waits to notice B and the ball again.

  • Continue until you reach the end of your practice area.

  • At the end turn around and repeat. Switch places to continue practicing the same eye, or keep your side to engage the periphery of the other eye.

As you progress:

  • Pick up the speed

Practice time: 1-2 minutes

Practice Lenses: #1 and #2

Tips and Watchouts:

  • If the drill is difficult with full obstruction, practice with a mono shield first. Receive the ball with your obstructed eye.

  • Start at a slow pace.

  • Pay attention to the rest of your surroundings.